How much is travelling to and from work really costing you?
How much is travelling to and from work really costing you?
On average people are easily spending £3,500 - £5,000 a year just on petrol/diesel travelling to and from work. Our consultants at Vickerstock recognise that with the rising cost of living, reducing travel costs has been one of the main driving forces for candidates seeking a new career move, whether that is moving closer to home or the ability for hybrid working.
So, for any candidates seeking a new position, we want to help you understand your gross on petrol/diesel annually to give you more of an insight when negotiating on your salary expectations.
So how can you calculate how much travelling is really costing you?
We have created a simple equation for you to determine what your travel expenses are based on pulling three weekly fuel amount examples, £100, £75 and £50.
Please be advised that Fuel tax is already included at the point of purchase and this is an indicative example. This also does not take account of time travelling, car depreciation, servicing or insurance.
As of December 1st 2022, the average fuel price in Northern Ireland for Diesel is: 177.1p which is down from 180.4p on 24 November 2022 and for petrol is 156.2p from 158.8p on 24 November 2022. All of the above information has been retrieved from Fuel Price Checker.
To calculate how much a journey will actually cost in fuel, visit Fuel Calculator.