How to make an impact within the first 90 days of your new job
Firstly, congratulations on your new role! The hard work and effort during your application and interview process have paid off!
As your first day quickly approaches, we understand preparing for day one is your first priority, therefore, why not read Vickerstock’s ‘Preparation for your first day’ to answer first-day questions?
However, in this blog, we are here to provide you with guidance on how to make an impact in your first 90 days.
Why are the first 90 days important?
The first 90 days of any new career is a prime time to demonstrate your skills and make a positive impact. According to Career Coach, Matt Spielman (Educating companies about successful Onboarding), “Research suggests that an employee’s first 90 days will in large part determine his or her performance, longevity, and contribution to the company,”
It is important to not put pressure on yourself immediately to meet high expectations. Management will not expect you to move mountains on your first 90 days, they know you are capable, therefore take your time, and set foundations and goals that will serve you better in the long run.
So let us give you some ‘small wins’ that you can implement in order to make an impact in the first 90 days of your new career:
Meet with management to discuss expectations
Sit down with management to determine the goals and objectives expected of you in more detail, many of these you will have already been made aware of within the job description. Use this meeting to ask questions, about how your performance will be measured/evaluated and who within your team or organisation you can turn to for further guidance. Understanding all of the above will give you an idea of how to structure your first 90 days and what you will be expected to report on at the end of your probation period.
*Note: always keep a record/note of your own KPIs / success stories as they happen so you can stay on track.
Do not hesitate to seek further training
Do not hesitate to seek training and guidance on any areas that are new to you or areas you need to be refreshed on. Leaving this too late will only hold you back from fulfilling your end goals. For many hiring managers, new recruits who show a keen interest in further training and development are admirable, not a hindrance.
Establish strong relationships
Be proactive with getting to know other members of the management team, colleagues, and stakeholders to build your network of trust. Many of your new colleagues will have worked within this company for years, listen to them, and let them inspire you as you never know what you could learn.
Starting a new job can be a daunting experience, therefore building relationships will also create friendships, an extremely important element within any job. You would be surprised at the strength of the friendships you can develop in just 90 days. Overall developing respect and approachability will send the right message to those you manage and to your own boss.
Keep yourself grounded and open to ideas
We are all culprits of “sticking to what we know”, especially if it has always worked for us in the past. However, taking on a new career isn’t just about continuing with your current set of skills, it is about development and adapting. It is not expected of you to make critical changes to a structure or a team in your first 90 days, therefore, listen to others, earn your stripes, and gain the respect required of the position.
Overall, we hope all of the above points give you direction on how to make an impact within your first 90 days and onwards within your new career. At Vickerstock we offer support to our candidate's post-start date so should you ever need advice please do not hesitate to contact your consultant. Wishing you all the luck and success in the next step of your career.